

Empathic Minds Organisation

The Empathy in PM Resignation Speeches: Where is it?

Truss failed to offer an explanation, instead cutting to, “I recognise though, given the situation, I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected by the Conservative Party.” Just one sentence with the sole excuse of there being a ‘situation,’ not what it was, or who was to blame for it.

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Empathic Accuracy and Sport Coaches

A predictor of outcomes:   KEY POINTS Empathic accuracy is employed by successful coaches in various sports. Coaches gather impression cues and make inferences about how players are thinking, what they're feeling, and how they will react. Empathic accuracy can...

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Compassionate Leadership

It begins with self-compassion and ends with contributing to the greater good:   KEY POINTS - Compassion can be seen as a four-step process: awareness, connection, empathy, and action. The element of action is what takes compassion beyond feelings of empathy or...

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An Unprecedented Swing in the Personality of Presidents

Presidents Joe Biden and Donald Trump have starkly different personalities. As the cliché goes, a week is a long time in politics. America has seen its presidency change from Republican to Democrat before, and vice versa. There have been regular swings in the sizes of...

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The New Signing

New Signing Eventually, we'll reach the end of another football season in Europe. Clubs will be considering improvements to their squads. So, what happens when a new signing enters the dressing room? Does it lift the moral and emotions of the whole squad? How does it...

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Empathic Communication

  Communication is possible without empathy, but a non-empathic communicator will never be as effective as they could be. Empathic communication is characterised by listening, compassion, concern, and support. Such efforts are noticed and appreciated. They have a...

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What is Empathic Leadership?

  Empathic Leadership The style of empathic leadership is based on the understanding that it is impossible to connect with or to motivate followers if you cannot envision life from their perspective. This realisation has led to empathy becoming a highly...

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